Tuesday 17 November 2015

Magazine front cover progress


  1. Nice; I like the masthead as it connotes the themes and name itself and adds some variety and dynamism. The puff works well as it follows the conventions of some magazines of having it in the corner. this also makes the whole layout cleaner, and more organised.

  2. Strengths:
    -The masthead design fits the basic conventions but also challenges the norm
    -the pug/ff has a good start to it maybe add more information.
    -Whole design is starting to take shape nicely

  3. 1. I can't see any noticable improvements. But an idea may be to have words or the strapline or something shooting out of the megaphone!
    2. I love the blue triangle! I like how clear it stands out and it will appeal to the audience (whatever audience) and it may persuade them to buy it because of the giveaway. I also like the masthead growing in size! It reminds me of a street view. I also love the little animated megaphone!
    3. Not applicable.
    4. I feel as though it's very authentic-looking... So, very successful! It includes the generic conventions a magazine needs!
